For the first time since the opening, Mecske Zoo also joins the popular tradition and starts a Zoo Camp this year!

Would you like to learn while playing, get closer to animals, spend your days in nature and even improve your English?

In our Zoo Camp, we emphasize that the children can get to know our residents in a fun way, in a familiar environment. The goal of the camp is for the children to spend this one week in a meaningful and selfless way, to help them increase their knowledge about environmental awareness, and also to receive education about the knowledge and love of the animal world and nature. In our zoo, there are foreign students completing their professional internship with us who are studying in some field related to animals, so during the sessions with their participation, the English knowledge of the camp children can be enriched.

Our Zoo Camp is a day-care camp, every day between 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. It provides meaningful activities for the participating children, in two thematically organized weeks. On the camp days, the children can get involved in the work of the caregivers, participate in playful educational sessions and craft programs.

During the camp, we provide breakfast, lunch and a snack for the children every day. Vegetarian options can be provided.

We accept children aged 10-16 in the camp, registration is required.
Please do so via info@mecskezoo.hu


  • 07.15 – 07.19 The week of Snakes (July 16 is World Snake Day, so this week revolves primarily around snakes and other reptiles)
  • 08.12. – 08.16. The Week of Wolves (August 13 is World Wolf Day, so this week revolves primarily around wolves and their relatives)


The price of the camp: HUF 35,000 / child, of which we provide a 5% sibling discount for 1 sibling and a 10% sibling discount for 2 siblings.
The camp fee can be paid in cash, by bank card or with a Szép Card.

Come and camp with us!